Kevin’s Cocktail Corner
We recently released Swordfish, our barrel-aged barleywine, in 500ml bottles at the brewery. This 11% beer is rich with notes of caramel, coconut and whiskey. But crushing 11% beers on a 90 degree day in the summer may not be everyone’s jam. So we hit up our staff member and former bartender Kevin, for some fun and refreshing cocktail recipes you can make with Swordfish!

Swordfish Daiquiri
2 dash Peychauds
1 dash Angostura Bitters
1.5 oz Swordfish: Barrel-Aged Barleywine
.75 oz lime
.5 oz canned pineapple juice
.5 oz simple syrup (1:1 water to sugar)
.5 oz aged rum (Barbancourt 4 Year or better)
Lime wedge for garnish
Build in shaker tin, add ice and shake. Dump it into a glass and top with ice. Garnish with a lime wedge or maybe a funky straw or umbrella.
Inverse Martinez (sort of)
Dash Orange Bitters (Regan’s preferably)
Dash Angostura Bitters
2.5 oz Swordfish: Barrel-Aged Barleywine
.5 oz Old Tom Gin (we used Ransom)
Barspoon Maraschino Liqueur
Orange peel for garnish
Build in a pint glass, add ice, stir, then strain into a martini glass. Garnish with an orange peel. This is a play on the classic Martinez cocktail.

Panda Panda Panda Panda
Dash Orange Bitters (Regan’s preferably)
1.5 oz Swordfish: Barrel-Aged Barleywine
1.5 oz Dolin Dry Vermouth
Lemon Peel for garnish
Build in a pint glass, add ice, stir, and strain to a rocks glass. Add ice and garnish with a lemon peel. This is a play on a classic Bamboo cocktail. A refreshing aperitif for a hot afternoon or before a meal.